Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fun in San Antonio!!

Friday night I headed down to San Antonio to hang out with Shawn Yokoi. We were stationed in England together. It was pretty fun. The Spurs were playing the Jazz that night.

With where we were sitting I kept feeling like I was watching it backwards, it must have been the logo on the floor.

The tickets were pretty cheap. We were in the very top row. Talk about nose bleed section. But, we could actually see the game, so it wasn't that bad. The Spurs ended up winning 119-94. So along with the Spurs winning, I was just so amazed to actually be in the AT&T Center. I've seen so many games played there, only on TV. And to actually be there was amazing.

The next day I went around San Antonio, and found some great sites.

Most of the old base housing has been replaced, but I did get a shot of one of them. The housing at 102 Kellack has been replaced.
The school has a bunch of new buildings, but they are just added on to the old stuff.

Ah.... memories.
Before (1988)
Now (2008)
Before (1988)
Now (2008)

And I stopped by to see the San Antonio Temple. It is in a beautiful spot.
I am really excited to see family this week for Thanksgiving. I love you all very much.


Jerry and Maaret said...

I like the before and after pics! How fun!!

rachel said...

Wow! Talking about bringing back memories! I enjoyed seeing the pictures of the then/now comparisions. And Lackland Elementary...the good 'ole days. The stars at night are big and bright - CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP - deep in the heart of Texas!

Eli said...

Ahh... good times. Even though I've never been there, that is. Who won the game?

Unknown said...

What a fun trip! I remember going down memory lane with Jacob - wow has it really been that long?! : )

Josh said...

wow!! i updated my blog and it isnt nearly as cool as yours. i need more adventures, that is why im joining the airforce. ;)

Unknown said...

Wow! Great background!! : )