Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008!

I made a trip to Utah to spend Christmas with some of the family. I drove to New Mexico, and flew the rest of the way. It was lots of fun. I made a stop in Odessa, TX - just to take a look at where I served a part of my mission in 2001. I liked seeing the town, it brought back memories. I stayed in a little Econo Lodge there in Albuquerque. Especially being able to spend time with my little bro before he joins the Air Force(when ever that may be - he is shooting for sometime in February). Some of the pictures from the trip....

Mmmm. Jack Jordan's BBQ (Odessa, TX) - still as good as ever!!
There was a new church building too(Odessa, TX)
And the apartment complex I stayed in.(Odessa, TX)
Free continential breakfast at the Econo Lodge in Alb. New Mexico.. I'm wondering if its really worth it... donuts and juice?? Cheepo place..
A fun filled DOUBLE Zarahemle game....

And Layne trying to make green eggs and ham. It turned out alright.
More to come...