It was a great day! I finally got to make it to Lubbock to go to the Temple there. It started being built while I was on my mission, here in Texas, back in 2001-03. So, the day started out pretty gray... I figured it was weather coming off of Huricane Ike. But.....

After we were done doing some baptisms for the dead, we walked outside, and it was a BEAUTIFUL day!

After we were done doing some baptisms for the dead, we walked outside, and it was a BEAUTIFUL day!
(Left - Right) Sarah, Natalie, Me, Elder Schalg, Rudy, Sister Schlag, Alton, Bryce, and Kyle.
As for how things are going. I am doing very well in my class. I am maintaining higher than 90% on my tests. And I am REALLY enjoying everything I am learning. I am anticipating finding out where the Air Force wants to send me next. I really hope I find out within the next few weeks. As for church, I attend the Student branch here in San Angelo. And I am the Branch Mission Leader. Which was fun in itself... but when Elder & Sister Schlag(yes, these would be one in the same from Colorado one point was in our Stake Presidency while I was growing up) showed up last week. It is amazing how you meet up with people again down the road.