This is Uncle Marvin's truck!! See the Cruzan on the door?
The night before leaving Colorado Springs, they got several inches of snow!
Thanks to everyone for making this a great vacation!! Can't wait till I see you all again!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Some final pictures....
at 20:24 2 comments
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Fun in the Sun!! In Lamar, Colorado??
This morning we traveled 2 1/2 hours Southest of Colorado Springs to a small place called Lamar, Colorado. We went to visit with Uncle Marvin. It sometimes seemed like we were driving forever!! But Dad drove, so that was alright.
One of the big things was the huge windmill farm. There should be up to around 200 of these things sometime this year. Nice pictures - huh?
When we got back to Uncle Marvin's house it was dark - that means the Christmas lights were on!!
Theses pictures really do no justice - they did a wonderful job on the decorations!!
Also, they had this hanging in the hallway!!
Grandpa Cruzan was the Architect of the Densmore Hotel in Kansas City. Also his business card.
The night ended with dinner at Smokin Willy's in Willey, Colorado. It is a great bar-b-que place. If you ever find your self in this area of Colorado - this is a definate stop!!
at 20:14 3 comments
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Back to work for some... still on vacation for others..
With people going back to work. I WOULD have been left at home all day.. but Becky and Neal were going to see some things around town. I got to go with them. And our nephew Antonio joined us.
Our first stop was Manitou Springs....
There is natural mineral water that comes out of the Indians canteen.
I can stand the water now... but as a kid I remember - I thought it was horrible. But people come from everywhere to fill up jugs to take home.
And Becky STILL doesn't like it....
It was a little chilly out today!!
Then we were off to the Air Force Academy....
But it was getting dark quick... so no pictures....
It was an overall good day!!
at 18:17 2 comments