Sunday, December 02, 2007

Christmas 2007 Kickoff!!

Hello everyone!!

I finally got a great opportunity to do some things this weekend. The Ingrams(a great family from church) invited me to go along with them. Thanks Guys!!

So we were driving to the castle and this guy pulls up beside us... any thoughts??(thanks for being so quick with the camera, Mary)

We made it to Leeds Castle.

It was a beautiful morning for visiting the castle.

A bedroom, and a dining room....

I think it was decided that the best part of this visit was the maze. It was fun!! In the middle there is a lookout - type thing, and then to get out, you go through a tunnel that is under the lookout.

At Leeds Castle there was a nice play area. It was hard to resist playing...

After we were done at the castle we made our way to Rochester, England for the Charles Dickens Festival. It was very crowded, and there were some interesting things to look at.

This guy stood on a ladder, hanging on to a lamp post, he started singing, then threw little gold coins(probably chocolate) out into the crowd.

This is how crowded it was, the picture actually makes it look better than it was. And a picture of a Cathedral.

And I took a new picture this week - notice the 3rd stripe... and the 2 new decorations!!


Mrs. Egg said...

wow, leeds castle!! i am so jealous & charles dickens festival that is so awesome!! congrats!!
we miss you!!

(i love this blog thing)

Josh said...

hey thanks for your comments, i did play for atheleitcs, i played coach pitch. but this is your shirt. because you didn't want it anymore. glad to see everything is going good with you. can't wait to talk at christmas. much love, elder

Roger and Marty said...

Sounds like you had a really cool trip. We are counting the days till your arrival. You look great in SrA stripes. Congratulations! Love, Dad

Unknown said...

Congrats on the promotion!!! Hip, hip, hooray!!! We are so excited to see you this weekend!!!