Continued from the previous post!
I've mixed in some of the professional photos in here.
Me and Rachel runnin'.
Here we go - goin' through the town.
Here we go - goin' through the town.
Can it really be true?? Mile marker 25? Almost there!
One last turn... mile marker 26!! Now for the run through the planes!
6 hr 56 min and 7 secs later... we finish. Yep thats right - ALL of us finished together!
And this is what our medals look like.
After we finished the marathon - we parted ways. Rachel stayed one more night, but me and Jacob took off to get back to Maryland. Not such a good idea. We were so sore, and tired. Won't do THAT part again. But we finally made it home at like 3 AM... something like that. And it was nice to see that Jacob's family had decorated the living room with streamers and a banner, and some cards. Went to church the that morning, then I was off to the airport. It is sad to leave, but I would be back in a littl eover a month for a class.
One last turn... mile marker 26!! Now for the run through the planes!
6 hr 56 min and 7 secs later... we finish. Yep thats right - ALL of us finished together!
And this is what our medals look like.
After we finished the marathon - we parted ways. Rachel stayed one more night, but me and Jacob took off to get back to Maryland. Not such a good idea. We were so sore, and tired. Won't do THAT part again. But we finally made it home at like 3 AM... something like that. And it was nice to see that Jacob's family had decorated the living room with streamers and a banner, and some cards. Went to church the that morning, then I was off to the airport. It is sad to leave, but I would be back in a littl eover a month for a class.
Once I touched down in San Luis Obispo airport, first thing I did was put my marathon magnet on my car. I will surely drive this thing around with pride now. So if anyone sees a sticker with a '26.2' on it. It means they completed a marathon.