Over the past 5 weeks, I have been in Airman Leadership School. It was here at Vandenberg AFB. We learned alot about being supervisers, keeping standards, and enforcing the standards with discipline. Well, last night - it all came to an end with our graduation.
I was chosen to give the speech at the graduation. That was fun.
I got coined by the Wing Commander, and my 1st Sergeant, and then there is the ALS coin. And we also got a cool ALS medallion.
The biggest part of the night was the awards. I wasn't sure how it would all turn out. I had tried my best - I didn't get the best test scores, but I did really good at everything else. But I DID get the Levitow Award.

Just to give you an idea of how big of deal this is... the John L. Levitow Award is..."the highest award presented at the Airman Leadership School, it is presented to the student demonstrating outstanding leadership and scholastic qualities. This award selection is based on overall performance evaluation, academic ranking, and peer and staff ratings." It is ranked the top award, ahead of the Distinguished Graduate Award, and the Acedemic Achievement Award. I am very surprised that I was chosen for this award. But, I did work hard during this class.

Just to give you an idea of how big of deal this is... the John L. Levitow Award is..."the highest award presented at the Airman Leadership School, it is presented to the student demonstrating outstanding leadership and scholastic qualities. This award selection is based on overall performance evaluation, academic ranking, and peer and staff ratings." It is ranked the top award, ahead of the Distinguished Graduate Award, and the Acedemic Achievement Award. I am very surprised that I was chosen for this award. But, I did work hard during this class.