I got to spend a little time in the midwest. I went to attend a class at Scott AFB, Illinois.
Not a whole lot to show for it. Enjoying the humidity, and fireflies(but only for one night). Played golf several times. But we did get to go visit the tallest memorial in the nation (650 ft) - the Gateway Arch, in St. Louis, Missouri.
Just a few pictures of that part of my trip.
There is a small park just north of the momument. It was a nice to just walk around.
The Mississippi River to the east. And a picture of St. Louis to the west.
Then, of course, the arch...
Then the ride to the top.
Sheesh, Bobby get out of the way!!...
We took a tram cart all the way to the top.
No, its not a glorified toliet.... The is just to show how close the seats were to each other. ....and the doors....
When you get to the top... this what the inside looks like... notice that you have to lean out to actually get a look out the windows. Kinda nerve racking....
And out to the east - the Mississippi River, and to the west - downtown St. Louis.
I can't complain - the view was spactacular.
And then the plane ride home gave some great views.
I don't know where this is - but it was interesting to look at.
And then there was a break in the clouds to get a great shot of the Grand Canyon.
Valentine's Day Thwarted
1 month ago