I made a trip to Utah to spend Christmas with some of the family. I drove to New Mexico, and flew the rest of the way. It was lots of fun. I made a stop in Odessa, TX - just to take a look at where I served a part of my mission in 2001. I liked seeing the town, it brought back memories. I stayed in a little Econo Lodge there in Albuquerque. Especially being able to spend time with my little bro before he joins the Air Force(when ever that may be - he is shooting for sometime in February). Some of the pictures from the trip....
Mmmm. Jack Jordan's BBQ (Odessa, TX) - still as good as ever!!
There was a new church building too(Odessa, TX)
Free continential breakfast at the Econo Lodge in Alb. New Mexico.. I'm wondering if its really worth it... donuts and juice?? Cheepo place..
A fun filled DOUBLE Zarahemle game....

And Layne trying to make green eggs and ham. It turned out alright.
And Layne trying to make green eggs and ham. It turned out alright.
More to come...