It has been almost 2 months since my last post, so naturally I had to do another one.
Big things have happened - especially over the past week. First of congrats to Dad and Marty on their assignment.
Well, at work they have kept me very busy. Over the past 5 weeks I have been taking this course at work, that requires me to remain at work until late hours. Typically I would go in to work at 0530, and not leave until 2000 or even later some nights. So you can cut out any social life or church callings for that period. One of the days this past week, we had a small SERE day(we basically went out in the woods for an afternoon and we learned how to survive- or how aircrews would survive if they went down).
Well, this is the last week of the class - so I am very excited for things to go back to normal.
Also - some very exciting news. This week I found out about my new job/tech school class/when I'll be leaving. Well, this has been long awaited for. I have waiting for final approval for my retraining for about 4 months. But I've been doing other jobs since last January - so I've been very anxious to move on. I will be heading off to Texas for school in June. Somewhere around the beginning of June. And if plans work out I will be able to be in Utah for when Josh comes home.
Well, whats next for me? This class ends this week, and then I will be studying for my test for Staff Sgt. I will be taking that in May. Then I'll be off in June.
Its been very nice to spend these past 2(well more like 2 yrs and 3 months) yrs in England. I've got to know some really sweet people. But I am also very excited to move on with a new job. I will be closer to family and hopefully I will be able to get back into contact with some old friends.
Valentine's Day Thwarted
1 month ago